Aquamarine Crystal Wine Bottle Stopper with Star of David Charm
Shades of Red Crystal Wine Bottle Stopper with Star of David Charm
Blue, Aqua and Lime Crystal Wine Bottle Stopper with Star of David Charm
Wine Glass Charms - Sea Shore
Set of 2 White Pearl Beaded Wine Glasses
Hamsa Light Switch Plate
Wedding Glass Kit - Wine Glass, Satin Bag, Keepsake Shards Mezuzah - Teal
Beaded Serving Utensils - Grape
Jewish Themed Wine Glass Charms
Fork and Spoon Serving Utensils - Green Tree of Life
Challah Cover, Extra Large - Water Lilies
Challah Cover, Extra Large - Asian Floral Design with Gold Work
Challah Cover, Extra Large - Floral Arrangement on Black
Challah Cover, Extra Large - Iridescent Stripes I
Challah Cover, Extra Large - Peacock Feathers
Challah Cover, Extra Large - Autumn Leaves
Challah Cover, Extra Large - Succulents
Challah Cover, Extra Large - Silver Geometrics
Challah Cover, Extra Large - Klimt Gold
Challah Cover, Extra Large - Wine and Grapes